Friday, June 29, 2012

Back Home in Texas

This trip has honestly been the trip of a lifetime, and I wouldn't trade any second I was given in Australia. The people I met and the friends I made will always be a major part of my life, and I can't wait to catch up with some of them very soon. Now that I am back in the states it has seemed pretty easy to readjust so far... except for the sleeping thing. Im tired every day around 5PM, but then by 11 I am wide awake. It will take some time, but for now I am just exhausted. I managed to get all of my laundry done today, and to be honest it hardly even looks like I left. Unfortunately, I am back in the real world, so it is time to finish my project and get my graduate school applications in. However, I almost wish every second I was back in Australia. I am still working on catching up on emails and with all of my family and friends, but I have been blessed to be able to share my experiences! Thank You all for following me this past month! I hope I have not been too detailed or too boring. See you when I start my next blog... maybe never :)

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